SDKMAN! is a tool for managing parallel versions of multiple software development kits on most Unix-based systems. It provides a convenient command line interface (CLI) and API for installing, switching, removing and listing candidates.


Open a new terminal and enter:

 curl -s "" | bash

Follow the instructions on-screen to complete installation. Next, open a new terminal or enter:

source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"

Lastly, run the following code snippet to ensure that installation succeeded:

sdk version

If all went well, the version should be displayed. Something like:

sdkman 5.0.0+51


Installing an SDK

Latest stable

Install the latest stable version of your SDK of choice (say, Java JDK) by running the following command:

sdk install java

You will see something like the following output:

Downloading: java 8u111

In progress...

######################################################################## 100.0%

Installing: java 8u111
Done installing!

Now you will be prompted if you want this version to be set as default.

Do you want java 8u111 to be set as default? (Y/n):
Answering yes (or hitting enter) will ensure that all subsequent shells opened will have this version of the SDK in use by default.
Setting java 8u111 as default.

More commands

  • To install a specific version qualify the version you require:
sdk install scala 2.12.1
  • To remove a version
sdk uninstall scala 2.11.6

Note that removing a local version will not remove the local installation.

  • To list candidates
sdk list

More useful commands and usages can be found at SDKMAN Usage.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""