
Octave is a programming language for scientific computing.


You might need homebrew-cask; if you don't have it, refer to this section.


Homebrew Octave.app

Octave.app is a project to distribute GNU Octave as a native Mac GUI application, to make it easier to install and use Octave on macOS. Note this is not an official GNU or GNU Octave project. As this distributes a compiled version of Octave, installation will be much faster.

To install using homebrew-cask run:

brew tap octave-app/octave-app
brew install --cask octave-app

Homebrew official

You can also install Octave from the official Homebrew source using the method below.

Install octave from core Homebrew (which is available by default):

brew install octave

Note: If brew complains about not having a formula for Octave, the following command should fix it:

brew tap --repair

The command below upgrades Octave and its dependencies to the latest Homebrew-supported versions:

brew update && brew upgrade

Octave has many dependencies which will be downloaded and installed prior to Octave. The entire installation process can take a few hours if you are compiling from source.

Note: On Snow Leopard or earlier, Octave requires an X server. You can download one from the XQuartz project.

You might find that you need to add:

setenv ("GNUTERM", "X11")

to your octaverc file, normally located at /usr/local/share/octave/site/m/startup.

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